The latest results from the radio industry in the Q4 Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) numbers, show listening to be in rude health. The headline numbers say it all really: 87.5% of the population listen to the radio every week, commercial radio reaching over 1.5m more listeners than the BBC, choice of stations has never […]
Audio measurement – the most important consideration?
Over the last few weeks we’ve looked at audio reach, the growth of connected listening and podcasts, to conclude here’s the most important part – how do we know if it’s working? There are many ways to measure radio’s performance. It’s important to start with creating a road map for delivering your message to your […]
Digital audio is increasing radio listeners and the reach of traditional radio listening
This week, we look at the growth of digital audio/connected listening – the chart below shows how the reach of connected listening and traditional radio have grown over the last 6 years. Whilst traditional radio has maintained reach in recent years, no mean feat with other traditional offline media such as TV and press suffering […]
Radio listening trends are different from TV’s so throw away the TV rule for radio
Last time we looked at the reach of audio and how it can be both big and small, targeted geographically, demographically and content lead; this week we are looking at radio trends: Audio listening trends are different from TV viewing patterns, so throw away the TV rule book when planning audio! More people listen to […]
Radio has a large reach – Audio can be both BIG and small
Radio can reach large audiences with 65% of the population tuning into commercial radio each week, that’s over 36m people listening for an average of 5 hours each week. Radio can offer national coverage with DAB – (DAB listening now accounts of 56% off all listening) and through large media owner networks such as the […]
The radio sector is in rude health and keeps on growing
While we continue to hear stories on how traditional media audiences are declining as people apparently ‘only watch Netflix’ and ‘never read’ a newspaper, one sector that continues to show growth is radio. Radio has shown how it can continue to adopt new ways of reaching an audience that is still hungry for more. From […]