In short, no. At least not for the foreseeable future, as recently published research from the German sales house Seven One Media, which highlights TV’s effectiveness in what some may think of as a retiring medium. The report ran five studies covering a range of emotional, motivational, and practical ways that advertising is perceived within the home environment; setting up a living room test environment to obtain the most accurate conclusions from the 3,700 respondents.
Focusing on the first of the five topics, ‘How video works’ researchers wanted to discover what the advertising effects of Facebook, YouTube, and TV were when used in isolation and collectively. They found that all channels delivered higher unaided and aided recall after a single exposure to an advert than the no-contact control group (CG). But TV was the leader in both metrics.
TV also came out top when looking at combinations of adverts, with respondents having almost 40% unaided recall when seeing two TV adverts within a short space of time. This figure dropped by 35% when recalling two YouTube videos and 63% for Facebook recall compared to TV. When mixing channels both digital platforms benefit from a combination with TV; YouTube recalls up 2.3 percentage points and Facebook up an impressive 7.9%.
When asking for unaided details from a single exposure, TV was once again the strongest platform (by far), with a third of respondents being able to correctly name one or more details from the advert. Followed by YouTube at 18% and Facebook at 13%. Further proving the strength of communication and memory recall that’s possible through the traditional advertising medium.
All Response Media viewpoint
TV proves its worth to our planners daily, as our ARMalytics® system identifies responses gained from the historically harder to monitor medium. So, we’re thrilled to see this latest research confirming our experiences in the ‘close to real-life’ test scenario.
The findings have implications on media planning; encouraging higher TV spot frequencies to aid recall and utilising TV alongside digital to boost the effectiveness of the digital platforms. ARM’s integration of the online and offline worlds allows us to maximise this phenomenon. For example, up-weighting digital spend around high impacting TV spots to fully harness the effects of dual-screening.
If you were to remember one thing from this study, it’s that TV advertising isn’t retiring any time soon!
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